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With Analytics, users can track the overall account performance.

Multiple views allow users to segment data by date, story group, device and country.

Scalable analytics

Did you know that StorifyMe platform is processing millions of events per day. If you are interested in learning more about this please reach out to and we will give you additional information.

For more detailed data users can navigate to the end of the Analytics page and find how each story performed, by metric, device, GEO and date.

Metrics include:

  • Views
  • CTA clicks
  • Swipe Ups
  • Interactive content engagement
  • Average Immerse Time
  • Average Reading Time
  • Unique Users


Analytics options:

  • Overall account performance by date, story group, device and country
  • Story performance by KPIs, GEO, Device
  • Engaging elements Analytics per Slide, KPI and Result