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Segmentation targeting with StorifyMe

In case you want your widget to be dynamic and to show different stories to different audiences you would need to add tags into the script. Once StorifyMe receives the demographic you want to show stories to, it will only show the stories within a widget that match the tags for that demographic.

Setup segments

In the following example we will create a segment for stories with tags of ["featured", "sport"].

Before you begin

You need to have the working StorifyMe setup as described in Initial SDK Setup

Set your tags in the StorifyMe platform

When publishing story in the StorifyMe platform, you will find an option named "Story tags". There you should set your tags (for example "featured", "sport") and we will only show those stories that have one (or more) of the defined tags.

Set your tags in the StorifyMe SDK

In order to show stories with specific tags, you need to configure them in the SDK itself. You can do that by using the following method:

storiesView.config = StorifyMeWidgetConfig.Builder()
.setSegments(arrayListOf("featured", "sport"))

Once the widget is loaded, we will show stories with the tags defined in this method.

Exclude specific tags from story display

To prevent stories containing certain tags from appearing in the widget, you can utilize the following method:

storiesView.config = StorifyMeWidgetConfig.Builder()
.setExceptSegments(arrayListOf("sponsored", "ad"))

After the widget loads, stories with the tags specified in this method will be excluded from display.

Set query parameters to any story

In order to send custom query parameters with every story, you can add them in the following way to your storiesView:

storiesView.config = StorifyMeWidgetConfig.Builder()
.setQueryParameter("key-example-1", "value-example-1")
.setQueryParameter("key-example-2", "value-example-2")

Invoking build() multiple times will override the previously set configuration.

Example usage

  • If you do not give any parameters to segments, StorifyMe SDK will show all stories with/without tags that belong to this widget. This is the default behavior.
  • If you set tags, StorifyMe SDK will show the stories that have one or more of the defined tags. For example, if you set segments ['featured', 'sport'], StorifyMe SDK will show all stories that belong to this widget and have either featured or sport tag (or have both tags).